Uploading Mapping Specifications in XML

You can upload a mapping specification to a project in the XML format. You can either use an existing XML file or export it from a suitable project. Ensure that the XML file follows the correct template. For more information on exporting a mapping specification in XML, refer to the Exporting Mapping Specification into Proprietary XML Format topic.

To upload mapping specifications in the XML format, follow these steps:

  1. Under the Workspace Mappings pane, right-click the required project.
  2. Click Upload XML.
  3. The Upload Legacy page appears.

  4. Drag and drop or use to browse and select the XML file.
  5. The Upload Mapping Manager XML page appears.

  6. Enter Mail Comments and click .
  7. The Mapping Specification is uploaded successfully.

    If you have enabled notifications, project users receive notification emails and mail comments from the administrator's email ID. For more information on configuring notifications, refer to the Configuring Notifications topic.